Think perhaps some of the traditions of St.Patricks day have somehow got lost and mixed with other cultures. For example, we have a St.Patricks Day Parade here in London which has only been going for a few short years. This year it's taking place on Sunday through central London somewhere.
My own personal idea of Irish Culture is something like the following, which seems to be to be entirely free of anything remotely 'theme', if you get my meaning : -
YouTube - The Pogues With The Dubliners
the pogues perform the irish rover with the dubliners.
You have to admit it is wildly Celtic and Irish of that there's no mistake.
This next video clip of Clannad is what I call the high point of Irish Music - not only is it Irish it also sounds ancient. A Celtic friend of mine from Britanny said she thought she was at home with this kind of music and that it had ancient European Celtic roots : -
YouTube - Clannad - Teir Abhaile (1977)
Clannad,live at The Embankment in Tallaght. ... Would you like to comment?
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Then there is this which many folk think of when asked - "what comes to mind when you think of Ireland"? [no not Guiness] - the music, the poetry and so forth : -
YouTube - Irish Music
Irish dance by Andre Rieu called Irish Washerwomen.
Here is one of the greatest Irishmen of all time - only because I am entirely biased and a Socialist - but hey, enjoy: -
YouTube - George Bernard Shaw
The famous irish writer George Bernard Shaw
GBS once said, "I do not have an Irish accent". You cannot argue with scholars, writers and artists of this calibre.
The problem with Irish traditions is that they have spread far and wide, especially in America. What happens over time is you get add-ons so that the original tradition/culture somehow grows fur and starts to become cluttered with a lot of things which probably have little or nothing to do with celebrating St.Patricks day.
Here's a St.Patrick joke - "What did the great Saint Patrick say to the snakes as he drove them out of Ireland? Are you okay in the back there boys"?
[Just in case you didn't get it, Saint Patrick is driving the snakes out of Ireland in his car...get it? The snakes are all on the back seat...boom boom].
One famous Irishman speaking of another famous Irishman: -
."Mr. Bernard Shaw has no enemies,
but is intensely disliked by all his friends."
Oscar Wilde.
The best way for you to celebrate Saint Patrick's Day is to do it in accordance with your own local Irish traditions and not be bothering about what they do in London, New York or Chicago.